So for a few weeks I had been replying to emails from clients, writers and friends without response, which I thought was odd. And then I got a call from a client who wondered why I hadn’t emailed him back. I remembered his query and said that I did reply. But since we were live by phone, we talked about his project.
I couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t find my email reply in the Sent folder of my Opera email client (“client” means it’s a program on my PC, not web-based email, such as Yahoo or Gmail). Clearly, if email sending doesn’t work, it’s a big problem.
I called the hosting company and had their tech support people look at the issue. Eventually they said the problem is on my end. With the Opera email client. Fortunately, hosting companies have web-based alternatives to email clients. I logged in to that system and answered a lot of emails, and they all included an apology for the delay. I should have noticed the problem earlier.
Opera email was never a program I liked much. And now it was malfunctioning. The tech guy said not to worry, all the emails sent and received were preserved on the server. He said just find a new client and all the data would download once logged in to the mail server. I recalled the hassle of configuring Opera email. It was a headache. I remember thinking, why does setting up an email client have to be such a pain?
I Googled for “email clients” to see what other options there were. I found several tech site reviews of various clients.‘s free version allowed up to two email accounts, the review said. I visited their site. The free version lasted only a month. The pro version was $49, with unlimited mail accounts. I took a chance and downloaded the free version.
At this point, I expected the usual configuration headache. I entered the email account info (mi*****@gh********.com). It asked for the password and I handed it over. Suddenly the program launched into action. And seconds later, all the emails — coming, going, spam, etc. — appeared. A couple clicks and the default appearance was set for html, both in and out. I added the signature line with no problem at all. I then added the second email account. Worked perfectly. I was amazed that some brilliant software engineer found a way past all the hassles.
Damn! I thought, anyone who can make an email client this good, who makes my life easier by streamlining the entire process, deserves my support. I clicked Help and told it to upgrade to the pro version. Another surprise: It asked if I were sure about upgrading since I had 30 days left on my trial period. I clicked I’m sure, entered some credit card info, then the product key was emailed to me. I entered that into the program and now I’m all set.
So, blog readers, if you’re looking for a top-quality email client, this is the one I strongly recommend. Come config time, you can leave the Tylenol bottle in the medicine cabinet. Trust me. Try it out.