In shooting down myths, murder hangs heavily over Unforgiven. It’s a frivolous act in classic Western – the natural order of crime and punishment. But Unforgiven is a film about killers who no longer have the stomach for death: the sharpshooting rifleman, Ned, who can’t bring himself to trigger the kill-shot; blowhard gunslinger English Bob, who bottles it when he’s offered a free shot at the sheriff; and the Schofield Kid, who lies about killing five men, and is traumatized when he finally shoots a man for real.
“It’s a hell of a thing, killing a man,” says Will Munny. “You take away all he’s got and all he’s ever gonna have.”
[Screenwriter] David Peoples jokingly agrees: “Every time I kill a man, I always have trouble eating dinner afterwards…after I shoot a few people, I’m just ruined for the day!”
“Every time I kill a man, I always have trouble eating dinner afterwards…” Dayum, dude! Oh, and by the way, Richard Harris, who played English Bob, recalled getting a phone call from Eastwood who asked him to be in this movie. "Uh-huh, sure," he apparently thought. Harris initially believed someone was playing a practical joke. You can find the entire article here.