We have written lots of novels since we put this business together in 2002. All of them for other people. Our clients have been happy with our work, as you can tell by visiting our Client Comments page. And who doesn't love a great story that totally locks up your attention? I generally read biographies and autobiographies, memoirs, business books, historical books, and books about filmmaking. And, yes, a great novel for relaxation and excitement. My recent reading choices: The book I finished a few days ago is: Space Odyssey: Stanley Kubrick, Arthur C. Clarke, and the Making of a Masterpiece. It's recently released and tells the true story of how "2001" came to be. It's been my favorite movie since I first saw it, way back in 1968. My current read is Fat, Drunk and Stupid: The Inside Story Behind the Making of Animal House. That was one insane movie and it's still making college kids convulse in laughter. (But studio executives didn't like it from the moment it was pitched by the producer. Those who passed on the opportunity, or were shaking in fear about financing it, changed their minds when the $3 million comedy grossed over $141 million, in 1978 dollars). The author is the film's co-producer. My next book may very well be a novel, Presidio, by Randy Kennedy. I found out about it in today's New York Times when critic Lee Child published his review. A paragraph from that review:

...A sentence late in the book...describes wrecks in a junkyard: “Seeing the damage to each of the cars it was impossible to keep from imagining what had happened to the people riding in them at the time of the calamity.” That “calamity” is a triple-play word choice. It nails the period, the location and the halting country-polite tone. No other word in the English language would work better there.

Go read Mr. Child's review. Sometime in the next week I'll head over to B&N and buy a copy (Amazon shouldn't make all the sales). Oh, one more thing. If you're stalled with the novel you're writing, call me. I will have one of my very qualified writers contact you and we'll get it done. And then, it's off to a publisher!