Ghostwriters Central, Inc.
Los Angeles, California/USA
18 Mar, 2018
So you need to deliver a speech, let's say 20 minutes long, to salespeople. You've got a new product ready to push out to the marketplace and it's those salespeople who will get it into the hands of bricks-and-mortar retailers and online vendors.To connect with your audience, that speech needs to be informative and you need to build a fire under those watching. But not only that, the speech needs to be about YOU. It must be researched, tailored to your personality, your manner of speaking and to that audience.How's this for a summary?"... Every speech has to be credibly spoken by a particular speaker and perfectly pitched to a specific audience. That means deep research into who was in each audience. So of course a speech is about your central concept, what it is you're saying, but it's also who's saying it and whom you're speaking to."That paragraph is from a 2016 interview of Jayne Benjulian, Apple's first chief speechwriter, by Bourree Lam of The Atlantic magazine. It's definitely worth reading and I thought I'd share it with you. Go here, check it out.